Tuesday, January 27, 2009


You couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field full of horny clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the clue mating dance.

Friday, January 23, 2009

love and lose

I'm sure you've heard the phrase " It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." Well that's bullshit, I've loved and lost several times and the last one has hit me the hardest. I invested two years to a relationship that i thought we were both happily and truly involved in. Well I was wrong, one day your happy and the next day some guy comes along and changes her feelings. So the Loved and lost thing is kind of a load of crap to me. I want to love and keep loving than to lose her and be miserable the rest of my life, and people that's what happens when you lose the one you think you'll be with for the rest of your life. You become miserable. so i hope to see your comments in this one all you true believers out there.

To love and happiness, when you find 'em keep 'em

Sunday, January 18, 2009

waitin on life

Have you ever gotten the feeling that you were waitin on life to make a move in a good direction. Well Friends, I'm so sorry to disappoint anyone who has not already realized this, but this hardly ever happens. if you want it to be good, you have to do that yourselves. Life is going to throw you curve balls left and right. This is something that you just have to get used to. If you don't like the way you're life is going, try some new things to change it. Like me, recently I have taken the initiative to get a job and I am psyched about this, because I am taking a step toward a new beginning, a chance to repay the friends that mean the most to me. Especially my friend Liz who took me in at a time where i was on my own. So thank you to all of the ones who are still my friends.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Relating to the "commoners"

Today I would like to talk about musicians. Everyone loves them and they are adored by all. They live in fancy houses and drive cars that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet they sing about being poor and having nothing. This is done merely to relate to "normal" society. I only wish that they could come and live my life for one week and see how normal society actually is. If they had the slightest idea what being poor actually was, only then would they understand what they were singing about. And the fact that most musicians and celebs turn to drugs because of their so called "problems". Their problems are nothing compared to the homeless man you pass every now and then on the street, or the mother that has no money to feed her children. We go day to day trying to live what the people in these songs say. I say they should sing about real shit happening in their lives. I'd rather hear about someone making lots of money than them being fake and trying to relate to us. Rappers are the real musicians, though I myself don't like rap, they sing about getting money and fancy cars and diamonds. Others sing about what they don't truly understand. LIFE. I personally think that they should share the common wealth, (even if not so common,) for every million that they make, some shmo-joe, should get a percentage. The truth is they bring these troubles upon themselves. They just need to sit back collect their money and quit griping about stuff they know nothing about. Let "normal" society worry about those things. Face it celebs you're better off than 70% of our country. Quit complaining and do what you love the most, music, but make it real.

Another Looney rant from the mind of Martin Frost,
Good day and HAPPY TRAILS

Military meets Monster (Resistance- Fall of Man

If you haven't guessed this is a review of the Playstation 3 game Resistance- The Fall of Man.
This has got to be one of the best games I've played since the Atari version of Pong. The graphics in the game have been stepped up they really made this game a very action packed thriller. The main story line in the game is like a human against human battle. The only differences are some of the weapons and the monsters. I played the game from beginning to end and i will guarantee that I will play it again. If you like action and mayhem then I suggest you go out and buy the game. IF you don't have a PS3 i suggest you go out and get one if only for this game. I do not recommend that you play TombRaider though it has got to be one of the worst games I've not played but have watched, and the levels are almost impossible, this of course, due to the fact that almost every level is a puzzle in that you will visit the same places several times. I thought this was originally made to be a childrens game, what child would be able to figure it out.

until next time HAPPY TRAILS

why we hate Bush

I would like to talk about the reason we hate President Bush. I think that most people hate him because we only see what his father had done and we try to compare that to what George has currently done and what they say he's done. Personally I have just realized that i was wrong in these beliefs. and that he has done quite a good job. As with the war on terrorism, I think he just acted as any of us would. If you were attacked in your home you would defend yourself, well that is just how our current president acted. If you think different then it kind of makes you a person of treason going against your Commander In Chief. Being a former military man I hold treason to a very high NOT TO DO on my list. But to each their own. So on that note, this is just something to ponder on and get folks to think. I hope that you will post your beliefs and i will be more than happy to respectfully and dignifiably respond to ones that i think have a good point whether it be for or against what I have to say.

Just so you know I do think that this war has gone on for far too long and I hope we all share this view.

thank you and HAPPY TRAILS