Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Life is scary

I have realized that life is scary. The world brings you many things that hurt you, things to make you wonder if it's all worth it. Well friends I'll tell you, I am dealing with hurt and pain myself at this very moment, and it has made me a stress basket. But the good news is that I made an appointment with a therapist to possibly get some help with that. I want to thank my roommate Liz for being there for me and making home life bearable. But the thoughts of killing myself comes day and night, the thoughts never stop and the little pessimistic voices make it even harder, but maybe the help I mentioned earlier will make it a little easier. Well if you have any problems that you would like to share, drop me a line and I'll be happy to send you any info that I have. I'm sure that my roomy will help me in this, and so you know she helps me with a lot of mental health stuff.

Freaked and Stressed,


  1. Well, you know that I would be the first person to call you a fool if you had the audacity to try to claim that life was NOT scary (and sadly for me, I was sort of looking forward to doing just that, hee hee, just teasing.) There all countless things which make life seem horrible (and I have seen a fair share of those) but the other stuff which makes life wonderful far more outweigh the negative aspects. Never would I say that bad things are anything desirable to deal with, but those who have seen a darker side of life tend to enjoy life more fully when things improve.

    I have heard rumors that time heals all wounds, and although it can oftentimes be a miserable way to recover from such an injury to your heart. But you WILL recover, of that I have no doubt. You are a lot stronger than you feel like you are at the moment but each day the wounds close a tiny bit more. And seeing a therapist really is a great idea because just as we need medicine to speed a recovery from a physical hurt, therapy is essentially medicine for the mind and soul, and is just what Dr. Liz suggests.

  2. Having someone to talk to who is "neutral" in things and therefore has a perspective that those who love you don't has to help...


  3. I feel scared too, life IS scary. It's a thought that has haunted me in life, even as a child. I play with the idea of talking to a therapist lately as I think that it may help me, but will it really? I feel like I'll just hear things that I already know myself, which keeps me going in life. I'm not a depressed person but I am scared of the unknown like anyone else, as I am already scarred by people along the way and the good ones I lost along the way. And the battles I face today. In this struggle, I know I'm not alone and there are others, others that are stressed etc. We each face a struggles in life, our own demons. All we can do is fight them, this life is a fight. I always do my best to remember to control life and dont let life control me.


  4. Writing that post was therapeutic in itself. PS still scared and always will be.

