Friday, January 23, 2009

love and lose

I'm sure you've heard the phrase " It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." Well that's bullshit, I've loved and lost several times and the last one has hit me the hardest. I invested two years to a relationship that i thought we were both happily and truly involved in. Well I was wrong, one day your happy and the next day some guy comes along and changes her feelings. So the Loved and lost thing is kind of a load of crap to me. I want to love and keep loving than to lose her and be miserable the rest of my life, and people that's what happens when you lose the one you think you'll be with for the rest of your life. You become miserable. so i hope to see your comments in this one all you true believers out there.

To love and happiness, when you find 'em keep 'em


  1. I am just sooo sorry, and I hate myself for not being able to make things better for you. I love you to death and you are seriously just like a little brother to me and are closer than a lot of my own actual family. Seeing you hurting simply tore me up inside, and as bad as I feel for you, it is nothing compared to the pain you have been put through. The best I can do is just simply be here for you, and have been crying myself because I know that is still not enough to take your pain away. I do not like seeing my family get hurt and that is exactly what has happened tonight, and has hurt me also through you. I love you little brother and wish your big sister knew how to take your tears away and make everything better. Hugs XXXXX.

  2. This is never going to be easy until "the right one" comes along, then it's going to happen so fast that you will blink an eye and 34 years will have gone by...

    I wish there were words to make it better, but there aren't. People say time heals all wounds yet 40 years later all it takes is a thought and it's fresh, it just goes away quicker!

    Somewhere, someone is going through exactly the same thing and wondering where the hell you are!

    I hope you find each other!

